Sunday, October 9, 2011


Here are a few pictures of the boat (a Drew-Harrisson) my brother and I bought with the help of our parents. Apart from the hull which we had to sand and clean, it was in a pretty good shape overall. 
During the 2011 summer, we had to train on a river close to our home because we had just moved, and we didn't have any club close by. But well, in September, we stopped rowing there and started training with the Simon Fraser University team as my brother went there to study; which makes it a lot better as we get coached and we are part of a team.
To those who are experienced rowers, I have improved my technique a lot since those pictures were taken ;)
Also, I did my first 2K test in two years last November 2011, with a PB of 6:52. However, I kind of did a "fly-and-die" because I did not read the numbers on my screen correctly, and went 100 watts over my target for the first 500m. Hopefully, the next test will be better.

...and helping my brother to repair a quad at my old club

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