Saturday, October 8, 2011


Well I have basically never stopped doing art. 
I went to a "Beaux Arts" school for 10 years in France, so I got the opportunity to learn skills and techniques.
Those are a few of the paintings, that mainly show my progression, and evolution in my painting style (even though I don't think I really have one for now).
I have to say too that most of them are pretty old, and that my style has now completely changed.
Even though my captions may suggest that I was never really satisfied by me art, I find that it is pretty hard to actually find your style; it takes a lot of time, and a lot of paintings.
Done at 8 years old, one of the earliest I have. I don't like it, but it's still a good comparison to what I do now.

Done at 8 years old still, one of the few things I actually created at the time, rather thanto copy a famous art work.

A copy of a Van Gogh: "L'Eglise d'Auvers" (at 8 years 1/2), which is the one I probably like the most in the first ones I made.

Another one, not as good as the other Van Gogh.
A copy of "the Violonist" at 11, of Marc Chaggal, which I offered to my father for his birthday 
At 11yrs old, a painting that was  pretty technical at the time, but which I  actually do not like that much...
but still worth posting.
Done at 14 yrs in Canada. I lost my motivation for this one...probably because of  its lack of life. Not finished.

This was a completely different thing I tried one evening, when I was completely bored. Looks like I killed someone ;)

A new try at 16. I kind of start liking the style I am acquiring, but the picture itself of the painting is pretty dark and has a lot of random light reflections because of the wrinkled paper  (I should probably get another picture, and same for the one below). 

Paper is definitely not the best for this type of painting, it wrinkles way too much.
And a study of painting knives technique.

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